privacy policy

Effective Date: 2024-02-06

Howler is a web app that lets people create/organize/find events. In this document "we", "the app" or "us" refers to Howler.

This Privacy Policy is meant to help you understand what information we collect, why we collect it, and how you can delete your information.


We dont gather any extra information about you except that which is necessary to use the site. You can delete any personal information by deleting you account.


Cookies are small pieces of text sent to your browser by a website that helps remember information about your visit

Howler uses cookies to remember you, so that you dont have to manually sign in every time you visit the site.

Handling of Google user data

When you sign in with Google, you give Howler permission to request some (non-sensitive) personal info

This info is stored and used to create your account on howler and associate you with a google user id.

Howler is a public platform, meaning this (non-sensitive) info may be publicly visible: for example on events you create, on your public profile or by search engines.

Things you create or provide to us

When signing in with Discord or Github, you provide us with some (non-sensitive) personal information: name, email and profile picture. This info is stored and may be publicly available on the internet.

We also store the content you create, upload, or receive from others when using the app.

Deleting your information

You can delete your account at your profile
